At Southern Christian Church we value families and want to support you to grow in your love for Jesus.
In Southern Kids we do this by providing a fun and safe space during the Sunday Service for children to learn to know and love Jesus, while parents are freed up to attend the main service and hear the Bible taught and grow themselves.
What happens at Southern Kids?
Southern Kids provides two separate programs for children during the service. These are separated into a program for preschool aged children up until pre-primary (6 months to pre-primary) and school-aged children (year 1 to year 6).
Once the main service finishes, parents are asked to pick up and sign out their children from their program, and enjoy morning tea while supervising their children playing in the main hall.
PRESCHOOL to Pre-Primary program
Preschool children aged six months to pre-primary age are provided with a program for supervision and play which is run by our Southern Kids volunteers. We aim to provide a fun, positive environment for children in our church community, and to free parents and caregivers up to participate in the main service. You can find more detail about how we run the program in the Preschool to Pre-primary Procedure document below.
This program is situated in the Hive room at the Youth Centre.
Year 1-6 KIDS
Each week the school-aged kids explore a different passage in the Bible with the support of Southern Kids volunteers. After an initial song, game and story, they divide into lower and upper primary groups and invited to participate in different activities that help them better understand and apply the bible passage, including reading and discussion, prayer, and craft. They will have a memory verse they work on each term. You can find more detail about how we run the school-aged program in the Southern Kids Years 1-6 Procedure document below.
The school-aged program uses the Pod room at the Youth Centre.
Parents and Babies Space
Parents are welcome to keep their children quietly in the service, and there is a designated area at the back of the hall for babies to play quietly, or the foyer is available for parents to feed or settle children. Parents are also welcome to attend the preschool to pre-primary program with their child for part or all of the service.
Child Safety
We are committed to the protection of children and vulnerable people - you can read our commitment here.
All our teachers and helpers have Working with Children checks and are up to date with our Safe Ministry Training.
Our policies and procedures are also available for download below.
Have questions?
Feel free to contact us through the webpage or give us a call.
If you’re planning on visiting us and would like to fill in a registration form for your children online before you attend, you are welcome to do so here.
Don’t forget to also check out our midweek playgroup if you have children 0-5 years old.